Sunday, 4 October 2015


Simile is a figure of speech involving a comparison,showing similarities between two different things
1)As cute as a kitten.
2)As busy as a bee.
3)As black as coal.

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word is applied to an action which is not literally applicable
1)He drowned in a sea of grief.
2)She is fishing in troubled waters.
3)Success is a bastard as it has many fathers, and failure is an orphan, with no takers

Analogy is a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quiet different from it

1)Life is like a box of chocolate. this means that life is addicting so as chocolate

2)A gang of boys is like a pack of wolves

3)He is like a rock. This means he is steadfast and strong.

4)She was as quiet as a mouse. It is hard to hear a mouse, so that means she was very quiet.

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